Loving This Tee

$15 End of Summer Sale at Design By Humans

Posted on: August 27, 2010

So it looks like Design By Humans is having yet another sale, this time its End of Summer Sale. What does this mean for you? Tons and tons of $15 t-shirts! I don’t know when their next sale will be, so if you have some recent favorites or missed out on the last big sale, now’s your time to buy some shirts.

Here are some of my recent favorites for your viewing pleasure.

Knock Out and Never Tap Out” by zerobriant:

I’m not really a fan of MMA, but this design simply looks great. The bright blue color that I link to fun and general lightheartedness is juxtaposed with the image of an MMA fighter, something that I just wouldn’t normally pair together. I give it my thumbs up!

Leader of the Pack” by againstbound:

If you’ve been following Loving This Tee, then you’ll know that I simply love againstbound’s illustrations. What I love about this shirt is that 1. it’s purple and, 2. I need to take the time to wrap my head around what it all means. I doubt that I will ever jump to a solid conclusion, but that’s why it’s so exciting to see a design like this!

Apres Moi le Deluge” by mj00:

I love everything about this new piece by MJ. I also love the textures she uses in this piece, as it really gives the whole composition more depth and even more aesthetic appeal. If this ship is out for the purpose of whaling, they better think again. I think these whales are going to show them who’s boss.

Type Rider” by mrdavenport:

I’ve been waiting to see this printed for a long time, and now the day has come. It’s a great piece for the summer and for the other seasons when you’re dreaming of summer. Definitely a clever design and just an all-around beautiful piece to look at!

Now that you’ve seen my picks, go and get your favorite designs at Design By Humans today!

3 Responses to "$15 End of Summer Sale at Design By Humans"

I was lured to DBH by their great designs and offers, but after a follow-up order of 4 shirts that never arrived, I will never give those crooks my hard earned money again!!!

Their CS department was rude and arrogant. They didn’t seem the least bit interested in helping me out.

Wow, I’m sorry that you’ve had bad experiences. I’ve always gotten my shirts. Shipping’s slow because I choose the cheap option, but they always get here. Did you get it all worked out?

really? they shipped my package a week late once and when i asked about it they apologized and gave me $20 in store credit…and I wasn’t even really complaining just asking about my order. All my other orders have always shipped the next day and arrived the day after that (I’m not that far from them.)

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